EnviroCoatings Products

The Product Line

EnviroCoatings Ceramic InsulCoat are the finest Architectural Coatings manufactured today



Obtain detailed information about each product by clicking on the Product Label below, or the navigation tab on your left.

What is a Paint and What is a Coating?

We are often asked to define why our coating systems are superior to paint. 


This is our response:


Paint is decorative and ascetically pleasing to look at. 


EnviroCoatings Ceramic InsulCoat High-Performance Coatings are not only decorative and ascetically pleasing to look at---but also---protective and provides much longer life with many additional benefits. 


We extend the life of the building envelope we are applied to.

Research Identifies Six Emerging Trends for the

Architectural Paint and Coatings Industry:


  • Strong demand for high performance and long-life characteristics.
  • Tough but environmentally astute products.
  • The growing demand for Green paints and coatings.
  • A need for improved moisture and vapor abatement systems.
  • An answer to a growing energy crisis.
  • Sophisticated consumers are beginning to look at life-cycle costs.


The Ceramic InsulCoat family of products are designed to address these issues.  The versatile and robust coating systems are formulated with



Cerylium is a proprietary formula of precision blended, high performance, high quality ingredients to provide over 30 features and benefits that will protect and beautify your real estate investments for years to come.